Get in touch with us Give us a call +27 (11) 463-0296 Send us an email Send us a WhatsApp +27 (82) 451 0433 Follow us on Facebook attgroupza Come and say hi 2 Sangster Road, Magaliessig, Sandton Let us contact you Heads up! We know in this day and age putting your information online can be scary, however, we have not, and will not ever sell any personal information. This information is only ever available to the staff who will be contacting you regarding your request. What is your name and surname How would you like us to contact you? By a phone call Via email Your email address Your contact number What would you like us to contact you about? Pet boarding Dog daycare Pet grooming Dog training Behavioural consult Aqua rehabilitation Vet shop Coffee shop Training school Other Please elaborate on what you would like us to contact you about Anything else you would like us to know before we contact you? Yes No Now's your chance to speak up! :) Complete